DocIt – Organized and Stress-free Vacation Planning

Organized and Stress-free Vacation Planning with DocIt Whether it’s a road trip, cruise or flight to an exotic destination, your dream vacation requires lots of planning.  According to An Exploratory Study of Vacation and Stress the participants reported that the most stressful part of their trip was in fact the planning stage. Unfortunately, we can’t…

Paris CEO and CFO Hand Out Easter Hames

A Paris Easter Tradition

It has been a long-standing tradition at Paris to gift hams to each employee during the Easter holiday.  Every year the Easter Bunny comes to hand out the hams along with our CEO, Gerry Toscani, and CFO, Bill Lomanno.

Two Sides Busts Paper Myths

Two Sides Celebrates 10 Years of Busting Paper Myths

The Two Sides campaign is now 10 years old. During those ten years, Two Sides has led the way in promoting the environmental value of print and paper, producing a wide range of print and digital resources for its members, giving the information and materials to dispel the many myths surrounding the use of paper in communications and packaging, helping their businesses to thrive.