paper weight guide

Paper Weight Guide

Have you ever looked at a package of paper and wondered how to tell if it was the right thickness for your project? Understanding paper weight can be tricky, but it’s important when the quality of your project depends on a particular paper thickness. For example, business cards don’t look as nice on copy paper as they do on a nice heavyweight cardstock. But on the other hand, cardstock will not fold as easily if you’re planning to create a piece of origami art. We’ve created a Paper Weight Guide to help you choose the right paper for all your projects!

Our Products in the Healthcare Industry

Our PrintWorks Professional, DocuGard, and CMS – Healthcare Forms brands extend into a wide range of work processes in the healthcare industry. Although in recent years, the healthcare industry has incorporated digital practices into its work style, paper-based documents for medical records, administrative files, admissions documents, prescriptions, pharmacy information, and educational materials are still heavily in use.

perforated paper, PrintWorks Professional

Many Uses of Perforated Paper in Businesses Today

We’ve all seen this “just tear along the dotted line”. Looks familiar, right? That’s perforated paper! Sometimes there is a line, or a few lines, made of microscopic holes that makes it very easy to tear a portion of the sheet away. Think about a utility bill, a W-2 form or a signature page to return in the mail — these are just a few examples of forms that have perforated lines.

learning on paper

The Benefits of Paper vs. Digital Learning

As we head into the Fall season and more importantly Back to School, there has been more and more discussion around how education methods are changing, particularly how it relates to the use of textbooks vs technology. As our lives become more intertwined with the digital world, so does education with less textbooks being printed and more resources becoming available exclusively online…but is it really for the better?