National Forest Products Week: Print Grows Trees

Print Grows Trees is an educational campaign that uses facts to replace the misconceptions that paper kills trees and causes deforestation. Their goal is to highlight the environmental benefits of printing on paper.
More than half of all U.S. forestland is privately owned, and these landowners have to pay taxes. Selective harvesting and replanting portions of these woodlands for timber sales using forest management practices not only provides an income, but also creates a healthier woodland that is better protected from wildfires, insects and invasive plants (learn more here). When you use paper and forest products, you are providing that income so these landowners can continue to use their land to grow trees. Without this income, they are unable to maintain their forests and are forced to sell the land for other uses, such as development. This only adds to the very problem we want to avoid.
So, contrary to popular belief, using less paper doesn’t actually save trees. It really only prevents landowners from being able to keep our forests growing and healthy. You can be proud to use paper in your every day life, knowing that you’re supporting an industry that is committed to preserving America’s forests.
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