Interview with Babble Dabble Do

March is not only Women’s History Month, but here in New Jersey it’s also STEM month! To celebrate, we interviewed the talented Ana Dziengel from Babble Dabble Do. Ana is a former architect and furniture designer, who now runs a website devoted to craft and STEAM projects that are fun for the whole family! We love how her projects engage children and help them work on problem solving skills, all while having fun! She has even used some of our PrintWorks Paper and Cardstock in her projects, and her creativity amazes us every time!


Interview with Mollie Johanson

Read our latest interview with Mollie Johansen from Wild Olive. Mollie is a crafter who creates adorable kawaii embroidery patterns (not to mention tons of other crafts that you’ll see on sites like Handmade Charlotte) so other crafters can create their own handmade works of art! She is also a host on the Very Serious Crafts Podcast, a fun podcast all about crafting! Mollie even tested out our Vanishing Fabric Transfers on one of her projects!
