Health Benefits of Crafting

I love the feeling I get after completing an art project that I was working on. I stare at it. Sit back and smile. That’s it! The joy of making something with your hands makes you feel amazing. You may be feeling stressed or tense before you start but at the end you feel calm and happy — satisfied deep in your soul. There is something to be said about crafting and its effects on one’s well-being.

More and more research is coming out that proves arts and crafts is not just good for fun but it’s good for your mental and physical health.


Interview with Paper Meditations

Our latest interview features Christine Kirk from Paper Meditations! Christine is a wife, mom, musician, and paper sculptor, who has been creating paper artwork for over 20 years. With a professional artistic background in graphic design, Christine was inspired to use her skills to create pieces for her own home. With encouragement from those around her, this talent quickly made its way from her home, to galleries, street fairs, and social media.

We at PrintWorks have been truly amazed to see what Christine has created with our paper. Read on for more DIY projects, crafting resources and inspiration from Christine.


Make It Better – The Joseph Fund of Camden

Paris has a long history of charitable donations with a particular emphasis on helping those in need. “Make it Better” was established so that employees could partake in giving back on behalf of Paris. One of the organizations Paris is proud to sponsor as a part of our Make It Better program is The Joseph Fund of Camden.

We were happy to receive this thank you letter that talks about how The Joseph Fund is helping students!​​​​​​​


Employee Spotlight: Kevin Serad, Shipping Supervisor

It’s Employee Spotlight time at Paris! We have an amazing team of talented and dedicated people working for you – our partners, our suppliers, our customers. Their commitment to quality, service, and innovation helps Paris fulfill its promise to always Make it Better!

To help you get to know the people behind the scenes at Paris, we asked our employees some fun questions about themselves! Here is our Shipping Supervisor, Kevin Serad!


What Is Your Carbon Footprint?

What is your carbon footprint? Is that something you ever thought about? Wondering what that means? In its simplest terms, a carbon footprint means the amount of greenhouse gases produced by a particular human activity (CSS University of Michigan, 2020). These activities can mean anything that you do while home, in school, at the office, outdoors and more. Even in your sleep, you produce a carbon footprint. According to the EPA, many of our daily activities cause emissions of greenhouse gases (EPA, 2021), which contributes to our carbon footprint.


Sustainable Printing Tips

Updating your printing practices is an easy way to create more environmentally sustainable daily habits. Making small changes can have a big impact. Printing can be made more sustainable by following the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Here are some tips on how to apply the three R’s to your printing habits at home and in the office. 
